Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Simplicity and my mom

I saw this on a random blog, and I feel the need to copy it...

"My quest to recapture the simplicity of yesterday and apply it to today."

This could be my real intent in making this blog...well, honestly, my real intent is that I like designing things and I thought it would be cool to design a blog.  Did that.  Now wait...I need to write in it huh? Well, I will try to make this my intent- to write the very simple things of my life and apply them.  I feel like pretty much everything that happens in my life is pretty simple, so maybe that's why I find writing about it fairly difficult.  What is there to write about?  But, I am thinking that even the simplest things in life can be the most applicable...

Guess what guys? It was my mom's bday yesterday!!!!!!!! woot woot! This picture below is in honor of her.  I have the BEST mom in the world, hand down.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Well, here I am again.  Still alive. Surprising I know.  It's been a while, and I've missed you a bit.  Here's for a RECAP! This summer was filled with:

Camping up Payson Canyon. Gooorgeous.

 The best fireworks I have ever seen.

 Riding in the back of of my all-time favorite things to do!

 shooting with friends.

 Stadium of Fire.

 5K in the Lavendar Fields in Mona.


 The final HARRY POTTER.

 Baby Penny growing and growing, not only in size but personality...Lucy too, however I don't have a picture of her.  

 New obsession with's the first Pinterest party.


 ...and practicing some more.

 Andy's graduation!!!!

 Best bday present I think I have ever gotten...a trip HOME :)  Nothing could have been better 2 weeks before the start of school.

 My favorite girl right here. Sleepovers, laughing, beach time, pedicures...i love her to pieces.

 girls getting our toes done..

 bike ride in Coronado..a must.  I grew up in Paradise.

 Checked things off the bucket list: riding a paddle board was one of those.  Thank you Kathryn! :)

4th of July hot air balloon festival...and the forming of a new friendship :)

So, that's the life of Lexi since May.  Now school has begun, and life has only gotten better.  I was so excited for school to start in August, and I have not been disappointed.  New classes, new calling, new ward, new people, new schedules....they have all been great.  In just the past 2 months of school, I feel like I've grown so much and am learning more about what it means to choose who you want to be.  College has been the greatest and hardest time of my life.  I've learned more than I ever thought I could, and I'm learning that learning never stops.  It's awesome.  I love my Savior so much, and I know that I am here because He atoned for me, and I know He atoned for me because he loves me.  He has blessed me with more than I can say.  

So guess what?  I'm going to write in here soon :) Bye!